Sunday, August 10, 2008

Time: wasted in waiting...

"En ce moment ou jamais" / "Now or Never"

Ever feel as if the person you just met
Is a little piece of your divided soul?
Do you wish for the chance to kindle romance
And perhaps someday be made whole?
Do you believe in love at first glance?
You can tell yourself to smile and forget;
Tell yourself, perhaps, that you never met.
But the secret kept will take its toll.
And if you care not for yourself, as it is for me,
Atleast realize the importance of your roll.

Perhaps you were not born to be lonely yet free
And wherever he is is where you need be
You think it prideful to tell him the truth?
But what of not telling? and wasting your youth?
How many lives are wasted in waiting?
Dreams fading and passions abating...

Come now heart, you know it's true
No need denying what you were always meant to do
Oh, is this just a fancy? Convince me if you please
What would you say to him if he was down on his knees?
Would you tell him you're not good enough?
Or that this is just a dream?
You are so sure you know the outcome
But things are never what they seem
What will you do? keep quiet forever?
That's why there's a saying, "It's now or never."

(*thia L

(This was sort of a continued thought from my previous poem... I think most everyone can relate to it, in one way or another... There's no escaping some small taste of unrequited love in this world; how else could God make us realize real, unconditional love is above all others? and His Gift to man... )

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