Monday, July 21, 2008

"Dreams" (read previous post)

Sometimes it seems
I'm alone in my dreams
And all my plans & my schemes
Should go on unsaid
Remain dead in my head
For I have no one with which to share
Because who could truly care?

Some dreams are a vague aspiration
Following a speech of hope & inspiration
Or a sudden revelation in God's creation
Then I remember we all have dreams
No matter what I think, no matter how it seems

Still a nagging voice inside my head,
"Don't think on your dreams. Let them stay dead
They're hopeless dreams, pointless dreams
Forget the free future; focus on present facts instead”
But my heart knows my mind is wrong
My spirit will die if suppressed too long
God put these passions in my being
I want to go on searching and go on seeing
His dreams that are written in the sky
His dreams that are written on the hearts of you and I
To give up those dreams is to lay down and die

Yes, this world is fallen
But God has a plan to redeem
Each and everyone’s dream
Our souls dream of perfection
In a world of pure affection
A place of no pain or shame
Where love replaces fear & blame
Where broken trust & heartaches are forgotten
Where we find lasting peace with God's only begotten
And we’re finally awake in the dreams that we dream

Know that the dreams He dreams for us are bigger than any we’ve ever imagined...
I know, it's terribly written; one of my least favorites. Actually, I really hate it, but people have said the idea's inspiring, so there you go... I should try rewriting it someday. Lol, the line "Then I remember we all have dreams" always reminds me of a quote, "We all wear masks... metaphorically speaking." Well, writers must have atleast one or two works of their own that they detest, right? ;-) That's what "they" say, anyway... (*lunis

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